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fredag 3 december 2010

VIP Shopping @ G-Star

i wasn´t sure of going first  but then i decided to go anyways & before i arrived there i went on a lil shopping spree. First i went 2 Twilfit and got a couple new undiez , can't have to many :)
New Lipstick from MAC , A new eye shadow from Make Up Store .
And a few other things i needed.
Then i went to G-Star where i was invited to shop 
for 25% off , which is good for being Sweden , G-star has NEVER any sales lol.
They served free chilled Budz & Smirnoff Ice & plenty of Sushi , YUM .
This cute guy helped me 2 find really nice clothes!I feel bad cause i 4got his name !!

He really took his time to help me for a good 30 minutes.eventhough the place was packed!

Now im just home feeling tierd ... 
This darkness & cold that its out there is really not doing any good for my energy level.
Every year around this time until bout december 21st this is how i am tierd & low in energy .
Thats cause the sun has been away from my sign for over 11 months , so u will start to feel its effect of not being in youre sign , then when it enters back in2 Capricorn on December 21st , i literally feel an nrg boost. And i will feel back in shape again by January.I know some of u must be like" WTF is she talking about ??"while some of u actually recognize what i mean. 

ANYWAYS now im just home about to get ready 4 bed already had a nap after i came home from the shopping ,but after i woke up i blogged this :) & now i have to wash my make up off and go to bed , Sweet Dreamz Everybody ...

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