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torsdag 23 december 2010

In the Beginning ..

God created Light from the darkness .....
We all know life can be a huge battle sometimes .
People who wish us ill Or we experience great setbacks just to come back & come up with new creative solutions to problems we thought we couldn't handle." problems " that makes us grow & prosper ....
Im talking from my own experience & i know for a fact that i am far from the only 1.
For ex: You lose youre current job that u will feel depressed about & then you start 2 discover new ways of earning income, like starting youre own company that will turn out way better then you dared to dream of!
I have learned without darkness there is no light & vice versa
Sometimes when i sit & contemplate on my life, i realize  that without all the haters , trials & tribulations , setbacks , misfortunes etc etc i would not be who i am today or learned half the things that i have learned.
Every time somebody shows angst towards me or jealousy for whatever reason ( we often can feel the reason deep inside us) then i know im doing something they wish they was doing.
If someone is trying to convince me to give up on my music or my other goals then i know its those goals in particular that is worth pursuing.....
What i mean is if we didn't go through difficult times , we would not become aware , we would not know the difference between the good times & appreciate & value them...
Therefore no matter how hard & challenging my life has been , i thank God , because the Universe see's the bigger picture that i can't.
Some of my worst enemies has taught me the greatest & most valuable life lessons!!!
Everything happens for a reason & i strongly believe that if u have been a victim of ill-will
in the end you WILL win ,the greater the struggle the bigger the reward !

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