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söndag 18 december 2011

Out with the old ...

I have cleansed my phone from certain people who i have a no real bond with .
I think its important to do this kind of "cleaning" not just from things we no longer need , but also from people we outgrow our relationships with.

This is how i do when i do my "cleansing"
A. Who is just there when they are bored or have no1 else to call ?
B. Who is only there when i have something to offer them ??
C. Who is always taking and never giving back ?
D. Who have I outgrown my relationship with ???

If any1 falls in2 any of those categories i will end my friendship with them , because i end my relationship with them it doesn't mean that i am becoming enemies with them either.
Its simply to clear up unnecessary emotional space that these unfulfilling relationships are taking up.
There are alot of energy vampires out there and its important to protect youreself from people who is just using you for their own benefit. Don't let any1 take advantage of you, we always know who those people are .Its important to surround ourselves with people who encourage us , not bring us down or take us for granted. Protect your life .

Fake Friends Are Worse Then Real Enemies .

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