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söndag 2 januari 2011

Did you know ??!

The same movie makers who did the legendary movie KING KONG movie , made a documentary about my mothers Husband Jamshid Karimi's family in 1925. called " GRASS : A Nations Battle for Life "

Its about how Jamshids  families  tribe: Bakhtiari ( jamshids father & grand father )was surviving .
You can read more about it here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/grass_(1925_film)
Its pretty amazing , ive seen the documentary with my mom Jamshid & the rest of our family & he showed us his dad, grand dad  & grand mother all in the documentary , i cried , i was so impressed to see how they fought for not just their survival but also their animals . They had to cross freezing cold lakes with all their belongings, kids , animals etc wow it was so cute & amazing watching how they survived back then ! 

The pic above is Jamshid's dad ( in white ) & his Grand dad ( in black) smoking water pipe with the makers of 1 of the first documentary in the world.
The reason why they made a documentary about them was because of their admirable strength & survival instincts through really difficult times, the Bakhtiari tribe helped & guided over 50.000 people every year.

I highly recommend you to watch this !! The documentary was done before the King Kong movie!!
Pretty Cool Huh ?!?!?!?! 

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