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fredag 14 oktober 2011

Illuminati = ART STEALERS

8 is my number 
Now Beyonce wanna copy the number trend I started (1+1)
bitch u been told to copy everything i do from DEJA VU to HALO , those were NOT ure ideas & u already know u disgusting illuminati devil worshipping trick. 
I used 2 live on 17*3 Shenandoah Street , with Ralph cantos & 4 other people( the man in red shirt in the pic below) They were all gay .
when i found out i was living in the same house as the jewish mafia I knew i was in some deep shit( Ralph invited me to stay with him after he bought my cd on Venice beach , since he was gay i thought why not !?!)
He used to seek me up alot after he bought my cd & he would come with random letters , checks etc
Many of my friends met him & they all warned me about him & i was also feeling weary about him but i still moved to his house. My close friend Joseph Willenbrink who has is own TV show  & is a powerful Energy healer( check his site & more about his work www.purewhitelight.com) said to me when he met Ralph : "He had some funky nrg" Joseph also said to me once : "Youre trying to build up & other people are trying to destroy what you're building " anyone who knows Joseph knows he is the most POSITIVE person EVER, it takes ALOT for a man like him to say these words to a young girl.
Anyways when i finally figured out they have set me up & that they wanted me to live in that house so that they could eventually kill me & sacrifice my blood because i diss satan in my music & praise God, (thats why they bought me a dog & pretty much ANYTHING i wanted i got it for free to give me a false sense of security)  it was very OBVIOUS something shady was going on, i mean why would i wanna leave that life style behind unless i was in deep danger?? When i escaped ,I left almost everything i had with me ,my childhood pics & even my dog, they killed karma those bastards when they couldn't get a hold of me & I left my big black book of ideas with a clothing collection called:"Deja Vu" 
( the year after Beyonce came out with her album " Deja Vu ") 
then she sang: BABY I CAN SEE URE HALO ( she was referring to my tattoo before that no1 even thought about halos or spoke about them like that)  
& I know 100% she been told 2 name her new album "1+1 "
they are trying to take after the Number trend i was starting back in 2006 !!
I wrote a blog called " BEE's DONT KNOW THEY CAN'T FLY" on my myspace in 2006 many people read & remember this blog, it got erased !!!
It got erased from my page & the next year "BEE MOVIE" came out ( 2007) 

Google Ralph Cantos & u will see how famous he is for his train & car collections worth millions. 
(the man in the pic above DON'T let his looks fool u , he is EXTREMELY rich, smart & his network is worth more then most people on the planet! this is just his image to make people think he is insignificant)He is 1 of the leaders of the jewish mafia he is also friends with many powerful people like Jerry SEINFIELD ( who is also jewish ) 
& i know he SOLD my idea to him !Its funny the Bee movie is about people stealing Barry's ideas.
& when the Bee movie starts it has a description about "Bees dont know they can't fly" 
( identical to the description i had on my blog) When they asked Seinfield where he got his idea from he replied: "I just wanted to come up with something on my own" .  
Thats not even a real answer doe u scumbag!
Ask me where i got that idea from & i will tell ya exactly where i got the idea from in detail !
I went to RIO later the SAME year the " RIO" cartoon movie came out . 
EVERYTHING I TOUCH , EVERYTHING I DO , They copy. They are making millions ( prob billions ) of all of my hard work & its not enough for them , they continuously trying to kick dirt in my face by controlling EVERYTHING i have online. 
But ALL of them will rotten in their own SHIT when they die, their souls will rotten in hell with the devil . any1 who think they will get away with something like this cool are so dumb! NO1 will ever get mercy from lucifer ,his plan is to DESTROY ALL, when u reach there after death , ure soul will b in eternal torture. Mine will forever B FREE .
I know until this day when i got poisoned in cali & when they put me in that torture jail in canada where i nearly died it was all a set up & Ralph had alot to do with it. 
I lost like 5 kgs in there & the pic above it was after only 3days ( imagen what i looked like when they let me out i couldn't even recognize myself) in that shit hole Vanier where they put me with 1st degree murders for over staying my Visa for only 2 weeks instead of just sending me back home it cost them actually alot of money keeping some1 in jail. 

here is some of the evidence from the torture jail they put me in & they wrote "NAGHOE" all over my belonging & my files  , the same day they released me they killed M Jackson the 25th of June 2009 ( i will put up more files i have documented from when i nearly got killed in Cali & other fucked up shit that had to do with LAPD & warrants on my MYSPACE account, (yes the police is involved in this , thats how deep & Huge this shit is,) i have to go through my papers to find some jaw dropping EVIDENCE that i have managed to save to prove atleast some of the shit that happened to me. in just 5 days i was harrassed twice by the punkass security in Stockholm Sweden, where they arrested me for : & they even asked me , DO u feel discriminated now and laughed. thats how these scumbag faggots are treating me.  
Until this day i feel constant danger for me & my families safety & IF something ever happens to me or my family , I KNOW ITS THEM! But u better believe i will NEVER let them get away wit this , i have a plan against them , cause when ure fucking with my family then we have a major problem that i will NEVER close my eyes for , so they better prepare for war.
Thats why i write about this.
What could i possibly have to gain from making up a story like this ??? apart from people calling me crazy ?!? But sometimes u have to swallow youre pride & let the world know whats really going on. These people are many, dangerous & very powerful & all i have to defend my self with is this.I know most people wont even believe me ( & thats what these muther fuckers know ) but only the ones who have eyes to see & ears to hear will b receptive .  
IM a SOLJET & I will NEVER FALL ,look at me now, Ha !im looking better then ever & im climbing the music charts on Reverb www.reverbnation.com/fantasebeemuzeek where i am now # 9 on the U.K hip hop charts & STILL #1 in Sweden. 
& i have SO MUCH MORE 2 come with .

I  will FIGHT the Good fight with these loosers even if its gonna cost me my life . not cause i wanna but cause i HAVE 2.
& im going to continue to expose them & really I have already WON! 
Fantase Bee- 1 man army. None of u suckers can destroy me . 
The pic above was taken in 2006 Beverly Hills one of Ralphs many cars that he used to drive me around in & many of my friends in L.A came riding with us , It was a 1957 Imperial all costume made. This pic was on the same day as a photo shoot i had that "Ralphie"( everybody call him "Ralphie") arranged for me . 

Sometimes i think back & i think to myself i loved him as a dad , but when i think about all the damage he did towards me, i start resenting him .... 
I don't write any of this for to get pity , i simply want the truth to be known & its about that time.
UPDATE : 11/6-2012
Now they are also fucking with my twitter 
i been saving all the names that been following me on twitter incase they get deleted i will personally contact them and ask IF they have deleted me & offcourse no1 actually sit & delete any1 of twitter , people have better things to do. 
yesterday 4 new people got deleted of my list 
here is one of the response i received : 


From: Artist - K L D   (Go to Page)
Subject: Twitter
Date: 2012-01-10 20:31
I can assuredly say I followed you...and I haven't deleted people in weeks. And I only do that if someone tweets too much, or follows a zillion people and not me. Says a lot when someone will follow Ryan Seacrest and Justin beiber and not me.

Also people lets not forget about the warrant they put on my myspace acccount and the lil homemade documentary i did in 2010.  u can see it here with MORE evidence & the letter i recieved from the LAPD. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5GepDExtSU&feature=colike 
 ( copy n paste in ure browser )

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