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måndag 1 november 2010

Some People....

really make me S  I C K , really wtf is wrong with the people who always seem to have a damn problem ??? 
When u " neutral " people expect you to show more feelings, when you smile , they seem to hate n get pissed ,when u don't smile they ask "why do u look so mad "  some people will never fucking get satisfied nomatter what u say or do .. Why do i bring this up ?? 
Im in Åhlens City shopping & i was looking for a new foundation from Clinique , 
the woman behind the counter had a costumer before me and she was being really nice to her 
and then when it was my turn she goes : "Did u want something ??" no hi no nutting evendoe i was smiling, i was waiting for her to say hi first.
Im thinking to myself "ok bitch i spend 2000-3000 Kronors ( =2-300 euros )in Åhlens every month and u gonna talk to me like that ??? "
I answered  her with the same tone back ,cold.
I said" give me even better Nr 8"  if youre nice 2 me im 10 times nicer but if u gonna act like a total waste person im gonna correct u .I mean seriously how u gonna talk to youre costumers like dat , she didnt even say THANK u after or have a nice day . to show her my displeasure im gonna call her manager & let them know about this , i don't need to take crap from no1 specially not someone who im paying .

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