the whole world started to wear leopard patterns on EVRYTING!
If u don't believe GOOGLE ure fav artist and see if any of them was rocking leopard pattern B4
Mars 2009. Thats when i took this pic .
I mean i used to see SOME people wear it here n dere a lil , but after I put this on Myspace
i noticed like a big fucking leopard epidemic.
Everywere i looked i see leopard patterns.
so many are trying to claim it as if it was their idea ,i wasn't the first But i know 100% i was a BIG reason to why this pattern made a HUGE come back and is STILL Hot , and i see sOOOO many who try and imitate this whole "look" image" i have in this pic its scary , sometimes i see bitches im like
" damn that looks like me !"
Even earlier today i see this bitch who trying hard to copy me but im not even gonna put her ugly face on my page , because i know thats wat she wants.
You can think im arrogant and rude , guess what !??!
Unless Ure God , U can't judge me
if u don't like what i write or even doubt me WTF u doing on MY Page ?!?!?!?