amy dies . and so much other crazy stuff is going on like damn ....
What pisses me of the most is that this muther fucker Anders Breivik who first set off a bomb in norway that killed 8 people & then he takes of to an ilands where it was about a thousand young campers there.
He was dressed in a police uniform starting to shoot any1 he could kill.
he was even laughing while he was shooting some of the witnesses said.
any1 who tried to escape got shot & over 86 innocent people got brutally killed by this man.
what pisses me of the MOST is the fact that they going to place this psychopath in the worlds only luxury jail !?!??!?!
where the "cells" look like a decent hotel room with designer furniture , flat screen tv , mini fridge etc etc
thats suppose 2 b his punishment ????
And thats suppose to "scare " people from doing similar crimes in the future ?? Thats suppose to comfort all the families who lost their family members ????
If they put Breivik in this jail it will b proof of what a fucked up twisted world we live in & the fact that the REAL criminals DO always get away ...
What a fucked up reversed world we live in
In Norway after the shooting.