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tisdag 26 juli 2011

Madness in the World

a crazy norweigan man walks round and kills over 90 young innocent people
amy dies . and so much other crazy stuff is going on like damn ....
What pisses me of  the most is that this muther fucker Anders Breivik who first set off a bomb in norway that killed 8 people & then he takes of to an ilands where it was about  a thousand young campers there.
He was dressed in a police uniform starting to shoot any1 he could kill.
he was even laughing while he was shooting some of the witnesses said.
any1 who tried to escape got shot & over 86 innocent people got brutally killed by this man.
what pisses me of the MOST is the fact that they going to place this psychopath  in the worlds only luxury jail !?!??!?!
where the "cells" look like a decent hotel room with designer furniture , flat screen tv , mini fridge etc etc
thats suppose 2 b his punishment ????
And thats suppose to "scare " people from doing similar crimes in the future ?? Thats suppose to comfort all the families who lost their family members  ????
If they put Breivik in this jail it will b proof of what a fucked up twisted world we live in & the fact that the REAL criminals DO always get away ...
What a fucked up reversed world we live in

In Norway after the shooting. 

söndag 24 juli 2011

Amy Winehouse RIP

May her soul rest in peace , since her soul never achieved peace on earth .
The media was really nasty towards her , i wonder what they will start writing about her now after her death. I think she had a great voice , but wat a shame that she wasted it by using drugs.

onsdag 13 juli 2011

Baby Quasar

This is the gift i wrote about yesterday , i received from a very good friend 2 me.Baby QUasar has
been getting great reviews and been featured in many big magazines like Elle , Vouge and many more.
Here is a lil info taken from their site about how it works :

Science Of Light Therapy
the Baby Quasar is designed with four wavelengths of natural light making it the most powerful and effective consumer device available today. Simply and thoughtfully designed for you, the individual who wants anti-aging or acne treatments all within the fun and convenience of your own home. The perfect solution to enhancing personal appearance.

For those with acne, we designed the Baby Blue to address the need to control p. acne bacteria. Engineered and built with same quality and intuitive design you expect from Quasar, the Baby Blue brings the maximum benefit to clients worried about Acne. The Quasar Blue is intended for use in harmony with the Baby Quasar when treating Acne and blemishes.
Clinical studies in the U.K. revealed that the combination of red/infrared light (Baby Quasar) and blue light (Baby Blue) treatments provided the maximum benefit in treatment of inflammatory acne. Medical experts know that acne results from an excess of acne bacteria and sebum in the hair follicles. Over 17 million Americans currently experience acne breakouts, and most will suffer at some time in their lives. This type of treatment is both gentle and effective in controlling bacteria and the release of sebum.
Whether your concerns are aging skin or acne, Quasar Babies have the answer.

I have only tried this product 3 times so far since i got it , i can't say i honestly see any significant changes in my skin yet , but i do see a slight improvement in my skins texture.
im gonna give this product another 3weeks u have 30 days money back guarantee if youre not happy with ure product.

But i believe in this product and i feel excited to see if i will see any results soon.

tisdag 12 juli 2011

last couple days ...

Friday Saturday i was just with ma peeps home chillin , cookin food drinkin & just enjoying each-others company.a club free weekend in other words.  
 On Saturday during day time we had a lil barbecue   me my mom my bro Navid & Joseph right here in Reimersholme where i live.

i received a very very nice & generous gift from a good friend of mine in the U.K
I will update about it after im done with my laundry here :P

onsdag 6 juli 2011

Chillin N Shoppin

been spending some time with my lil bro "Navido" ( his name is Navid really but i like calling him dat :P ) who is here visiting from Gothenburg & my other boy "Wayne".
gonna keep this short n sweet n come back 2morro with hopefully something more interesting 2 write ... lol
in the meanwhile herez a pic of me from last nite

måndag 4 juli 2011


First things first , HAPPY 4th of July !!! 
DAMN , i just checked my reverb page & i have received a message from a girl named Sarah
working for Universal asking me if i wanna open up for Nikki , Drake & more , check this message is from the girl on the right in the pic :
Hey my name is Sarah K*** ( I have decided to take down the link connected with her message to her site &  protect her name since im not sure if she is ok with me putting her info out like that plus its not very smart for me to hand out free info to my competitors who could be reading this , sorrry guyz ;)) . I am the A&R Consultant for Atlantic and Universal Records. I just came across your music and see that you have what it takes. You are lacking the major
exposure due to your management or Location. If you would like open up on Tour for Nikki, Drake and Trey Songz 7/1-Atlanta,7/2-New York ,7/4- Miami Please leave us a contact number.This tour comes with a radio interview. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you further your music career. Major exposure is the key. Thanks for serious inquiry only.

This means i need to check my messages more often i have missed a very good opportunity :(

söndag 3 juli 2011


Heres some more FUCKERS that have been stealing MY ideas , Im gonna sue these bitches ! watch
Could they get MORE Obvious ?!? F( antase) 88 ????  & the angel wings ??? U gotta b fucking kidding me ! do these muther fuckers even know what the 8 stand for ???i bet u anything THEY DON't!
GOD I HATE U MUTHER FUCKING BLOOD SUCKERS , who got all the wealth but u STILL gotta STEAL from others like greedy blood thirsty vampires . 

these bitches couldn't come up with their own shit either , for all of u who didn't know i was in the game WAY b4 nicki ( got known in 2010) & this chick Jesse who got known only this year .

Me in March 2009!  ( i even wrote a blog called BARBEE & put my barbie pics with the pink extension)

shortly after this fake hoe came & started caliing her self BARBIE , nicki can FLOW SHE CAN but she aint got a message in her music & obviously this bitch aint real enough to come up with her own ideas .

me in 2007


2011 she came & another talented but fake copycat .i dont give a fuck bout what ANY1 says But I KNOW 100% these bitches are copying me.Its VERY clear that she is trying to copy my image & the way i dress!
No1 even THoUGHT about halos & wings in 2005 When i got my angel wings tat , then after Tila Tequila came with her HEART & angel wing tatoo that she stole the idea from BEE. after i did my song Angels & demons in 2009 i started seeing angels & halos more n more places 
ist funny they wrote " even angels will fall"  since i have a song called "SOLJETZ DON'T FALL "it could have been a referal to dat song , WHO FCKING KNOWS ?!?!
You wanna know how many people that REALLy is stealing from me these , just watch the NEXT projekt im gonna do & the themes of it & watch within not even a year how quickly the industry people will steal my idea & use it as if its their owns!!! 
thats how i KNOW they are deleting all my comments & erasing all my Facebook friends & everything else i have online on youtube etc just to make me look bad & unsuccessful.but they having a close look on EVERYTHING i do so that they can keep stealing my ideas & my vision & make millions of dollars on MY ideas . 
But trust me all of you who have doubted me I WILL WIN ..... I bet you my life on that ! 

im really PISSED!!!

that my BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL UNIQUE layout ( that half the world is trying to copy ( eveywere i fucking look i see angel wings & halos GOOD LAWWWRD !!! )  has not been uploading for the last couple of weeks. ARRGGH always gotta b some annoying fucking bullshit getting under my fucking skin!
i have tried to reupload my header html code but the blogger cheap shit page keeps saying the code was not recognized bla bla i don't have patience for this shit!
I wrote a help question in the help forum lets hope someone knows what the fuck is up , cause blogger don't even have a proper help crew, i gotta find a new site i can continue my blog from cause this cheap shit is not good enough. 

Weekend Update

here comes pics from Friday til last night

At some indian place , food tasted great & the interior looked pretty nice but i hated the steel plates they served in 

Last nite at club Berns on the "Axe" event with my boi evrybody callz him wayne lol he does remind of him a bit 

I started a new trend with my angel wings & halo.
Everywere i look people been trying to reinvent my 8 tatoo , even the new Axe commercial is another reminder of my 8 tatto with the angel wings & the halo ... I said before i say it again , WE LIVE IN THE WORLD OF COPY CATS.