Why is it so hard sometimes to let go of the people & events we have in our lifes ???
People & things we know is not helping or supporting our progress in life anymore....
Most of the times we are 100% aware of what/who we need to let go of , but that doesn't make our decisions any more easy.
I been writing on my myspace blog about this subject a long time ago , sometimes we need to let go of
certain things/people/habits in order to attract new & more fresh possibilities into our lifes.
But most of us wanna have our cake & eat it to ( i do anyways ;) )
We don't wanna let go but we expect a change to happen in our life .
I have noticed by letting go of outworn ideas , thoughts , people & things we make room for the universe to step in & create something new for us .
When we have acknowledged what it is , we need to start taking action towards making those changes, changes that will benefit us in the long run.
Today i been contemplating on what / who i need to let go of my life at this time in order for something new to happen in my life, I know it might sound selfish but it's not !
We all need to do this kind of "cleansing" anytime we feel something/someone is holding us back from achieving our full potential.